Wednesday 9 November 2011

Video Editing is for the BIRDS!

Okay so I've been trying to "stay positive" when blogging, but every now and then even the most Polly-anna of us can crack...

I spent another 8 hours editing my video project for Thursday's class. I feel as if I've been pushing a very large rock up a very steep hill with my bare brain! But I got 'er done finally and loaded my baby up on to my Youtube channel for everybody to enjoy.

As with any project, this one had its share of challenges. Most of those challenges stemmed from my total lack of experience with the video camera and editing software. Also, I was not dealing with real actors. My solution: cover it all in cheese! Yesiree, everything tastes better with cheese! :)

In all, I am fairly pleased with how this video came out. Hopefully the next one won't cause so many eruptions of foul language from me as I sweat it out over the editing. New software and I are not easy friends... nope!

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